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Look for these things to help you determine which catalog to use from now on: However, if you change the location when you run a backup, they could be in other locations instead. By default, backed-up catalogs are located in C:\Users\ \Pictures\Lightroom\Lightroom Catalog\Backups\ (Windows) or /Users/ /Pictures/Lightroom/Lightroom Catalog/Backups/ (Mac OS). Be careful that you don't open and start using one of these catalogs instead of your actual, most current catalog. You probably have many catalogs on your computer that were created when you backed up your catalog.If you have many catalogs, keep careful notes on what catalogs you opened, where they're located, and any other details necessary to compare them. You might need to open several catalogs to determine which is the correct, most recent one.You see the file location and information about when it was last modified to help determine which catalog you've been working with. When you get the list, select one, right-click, and choose Properties (Windows), or select one and choose File > Get Info (Mac OS). Search your hard drive for files ending in *.lrcat or lrcat to find all your catalogs.Windows: C:\Users\ \Pictures\Lightroom\.If you skipped the first section of this document ( Save your catalog information before you reset preferences) and don't know the name of your catalog or where it is located, try the following: